Decorative Glass Window, Frosted for Privacy… Simply Beautiful!!!

Welcome to Sans Soucie Art Glass!!! Take a look at one of our designs of an  Etched Glass  Privacy Windows, featuring a Diamond Grid Pattern. The etching comes up just far enough on the window to glass to provide the privacy level needed. The top portion is left clear, allowing for visibility which creates a really nice, open feel in the room, while still having the privacy needed in the tub and shower area.

When most people think of the term “etched glass window” they likely picture in their mind a white, frosted effect on the glass, which of course is completely accurate. There are different forms of and techniques for achieving etched glass. At Sans Soucie Art Glass, we use a number of various related terms that help us to be more specific with our clients, about the different effects we apply to the glass and various techniques we use.

Visit our Main Gallery to check all Sans Soucie Art Glass has to offer!  Any design you see can be sandblasted to provide the privacy level you need, for your specific piece. ANY DESIGN STYLE is possible. Select a design from our Gallery, or let us create a custom design, based on your specifications!

Sans Soucie Art Glass Studio sets a high standard for decorative glass. TSans Soucies is also known for its wine cellar doors, bathroom windowscustom glass showers and shower doors, glass partitionsglass signsglass wall art piecesglass dining tables,glass shelvesglass counter topssculpturesdecorative mirrors and more!!!


Diamond Grid Pattern Window


Diamond Grid Pattern II


Diamond Fortress