Linear Inches Calculator

lineal inches glass square sans soucie art glass

How to Calculate Linear Inches

Our tool does all the work for you, but if you’re curious about how it’s done, here’s the method for each shape:


For a rectangular piece, measure the length and the width, then double these numbers as each dimension is represented twice in a rectangle. Sum up these measurements for the total linear inches.


To calculate the linear inches around a square piece of glass, measure the length of one side in inches. Since all four sides of a square are equal, simply multiply this measurement by four. This total is the square’s total linear inches.


To find the linear inches around a circular or round piece of glass, measure the diameter of the circle in inches and multiply it by π (approximately 3.14159). This calculation gives you the circumference, or the total linear inches, of the circle.


To approximate the linear inches around the edge of an oval (or ellipse) piece of glass, you generally need the lengths of the major (longest) and minor (shortest) axes. These measurements are then plugged into a specialized formula to estimate the circumference. This formula, while more complicated than those for shapes like circles or rectangles, provides a close approximation to the total linear inches around the edge of an oval.